Monday, August 26, 2013

Be Honest: Do You Wash Your Face Every Night?

face washing
A lot of you don’t.
Listen, we get it. At the end of a crazy busy day, all you want to do is crash. But, you may not realize that simply washing your face at the end of the day could be the easiest way to make your skin look more radiant and have fewer issues like blackheads, pimples and large pores.
During the day, your face builds up a layer of oil, dead skin cells, bacteria and sweat. When makeup is added, this creates a situation that can lead to clogged, dilated pores, breakouts and dull skin. In the evening, it’s important to remove all of this so that your skin can renew itself.
Another benefit of washing your face before bed: Your skin will absorb more antioxidants and other anti-aging ingredients that are in your nighttime serum or moisturizer, therefore giving you more radiant results. Hello, glow!
Here’s the most ironic part: You actually don’t have to wash your face in the morning if you washed it the night before. Yet, most of us wash our face first thing in the morning, but bag it at bedtime. The reasoning is that since your skin has been clean all night, it just needs a quick rinse off to remove your nighttime moisturizer before applying any daytime serums, creams and makeup.
So wash up every night, leaving your face slightly damp, which will help your skin better absorb any serum or moisturizer that you’ll apply next.
That doesn’t sound so hard, does it? It’s such a simple thing, but we promise that if you can commit to washing your face every single night before hitting the hay, you’ll look better longer.

source: Dr. Oz Blog

Monday, August 19, 2013

Foods that fight aging


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Are your sleeping habits aging your skin?

 sleeping woman

Have you been skimping on your beauty sleep lately? Turns out that puffy eyes and dark circles in the short-term may not be the only prices you’ll pay for a poor night’s rest; a recent study reveals that sleep-starved skin actually ages faster, too.
Scientists at University Hospitals (UH) Case Medical Center studied 60 pre-menopausal women between the ages of 30 and 49 and positively linked poor sleep with more fine lines and uneven pigmentation.
Poor sleepers also recovered more slowly from sunburn, with a higher percentage retaining redness over 72 hours.
While we know that skin rejuvenation revs up at night, there’s another factor at play here that may be essential to keeping skin looking young and healthy.
“Poor sleep can prevent adequate secretion of melatonin levels, which we know is a natural antioxidant – that could be one of the reasons poor sleep led to accelerated aging and reduced skin health,” says Dr. Elma Baron, director of the Skin Study Center at UH Case Medical Center and associate professor of dermatology at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.
Looks like Sleeping Beauty may have had the best anti-aging strategy of all.
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Source: Dr. Oz Blog

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Sleep Matters

We’ve all been advised about the importance of geting our beauty sleep. Now, Estée Lauder is proving why: a scientific study commissioned by the brand proved that inadequate sleep is directly related to reduced skin health and leads to an acceleration of skin aging.The Effects of Sleep Quality on Skin Aging and Function shows that poor sleepers had more signs of aged skin, as well as slower recovery from negative environmental factors, such as UV light. People who were deemed poor sleepers also gave their own skin and facial appearance a worse assessment than those who slept well. “Insufficient sleep has become a worldwide epidemic,” says Elma Baron, M.D., director of the Skin Study Center at UH Case Medical Center and associate professor of Dermatology at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. “While chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to medical problems, such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, and immune deficiency, its effects on skin function have previously been unknown.” But now that Estée Lauder has shed some light on the subject, we all have even more good reasons to catch some much-needed zzzs.

Source: Spa Trade 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Retinol = Results


Let’s face it, we all love things that bring us immediate gratification. Waiting and waiting to see results seems so old school. And in the skincare world there are plenty of products that promise a quick fix, but few that actually deliver real results – quick or otherwise.

Then there is retinol. Twenty-five years after it was first formulated for over-the-counter use, it is still, hands-down, the best thing you can put on your skin to fend off those first signs of aging. The catch is, you need to give it time. "Retinol is a tried and true ingredient that really works," says Debra Jaliman, M.D., a New York City dermatologist and author of Skin Rules: Trade Secrets from a Top New York Dermatologist. "But it can take months to see a result, so it’s important to be patient and not give up on it too soon."

Retinol is a vitamin A derivative that is turned into retinoic acid when it gets into the skin. Once there, it bonds to over 50 sites on your DNA. "It actually works on a molecular level to repair the skin," explains Jeannette Graf, M.D., assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City. "It stimulates the fibroblasts in the dermis to produce collagen, and that helps create thicker, firmer, less wrinkled skin." Regular use of retinol also speeds up skin cell turnover – yet another thing that tends to slow down as we age. "The cells slough off better, which evens out brown discoloration and improves skin texture, giving it more of a glow," says Jaliman.

Retinol and its prescription-strength cousin Retin A are arguably the most extensively tested anti-aging ingredients out there, as well as the ones with the most science to prove their efficacy. And a recent study showed evidence that not only does retinol work, but it continues to work, providing increasing impressive results the longer you use it. Researchers at Johnson & Johnson conducted a year-long, double-blind clinical trial that involved 60 women – half of whom used a cream with 0.1 percent retinol nightly and half of whom used the same cream without retinol (both groups also used a moisturizer with SPF 30 every morning). Dermatologist evaluations of subjects found significant improvements in wrinkles and pigmentation three months in, and skin continued to get better when evaluated at six, nine and 12 months. "While we don’t have the clinical data to demonstrate improvements past one year, the data we do have gives us good reason to believe that the longer you use retinol, the better results you will see," says Samantha Tucker Samaras, research director at Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc.

In fact, if you do nothing else at all for your skin, using retinol at night and sunscreen by day will go a long way toward keeping your skin looking young. "From your teens all the way into your 90s, retinol and sunscreen are the most important things you can use on your skin," says Graf. She tells all her patients to add retinol to their routine, but she has two pieces of advice about using it: 1) More is not better. Don’t slather it on thinking you’ll get faster results – a pea-sized amount is all you need. 2) Give it time to work. "You didn’t age in a day, so don’t expect a cream to make your lines and dark spots disappear overnight," she says.

source: Dr. Oz Blog

Monday, August 5, 2013

Want FREE product?

Every so often at random on our facebook page we'll post giveaways and contests. Where in YOU could win some of White Egret Personal Care Products.
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If you go and LIKE us on Facebook before Tuesday August 6th 2013, We'll send you a free sample of our Magnesium Oil as shown below.
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